me and my friend (a girl and boy) want to go home by riding a chicken. but the girl insist on riding with me. so i decided to looking for a bigger chicken in the barn. it tooks so long but non of it actually fit for it (either the chicken was so small or the seems sick) until the boy, one of my friend, give a chicken to the girl instead
Dreams about riding unusual animals like chickens can symbolize a desire for an unconventional or alternative mode of transportation to get where you want to go in life. The fact that you were accompanied by a friend of the opposite gender could suggest that you are facing some challenges or uncertainties in your romantic or social relationships.
Your search for a bigger and more suitable chicken can suggest that you are determined to find the right solution to your problems, even if it takes some time and effort. However, the fact that you were unable to find the right chicken could indicate that you are struggling to find the ideal solution to your situation.
The fact that your male friend gave a chicken to the girl could symbolize a need for cooperation and teamwork, as well as a willingness to offer support and assistance to others in need. Overall, this dream may be trying to tell you to keep searching for the right answer to your problems and to be open to the help and support of your friends and loved ones along the way.